Amy Kean | ...Gasp!
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22nd March 2019

Amy Kean

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Published author, poet, public speaker and Starcoms’s Head of Strategic Innovation, Amy’s led media and marketing strategies for some of the world’s biggest brands, including the BBC, Unilever, and Nando’s.

Her first foray into writing, with the modern-day fairy tale, The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks, was a stonking success; storming to the top of the charts on Amazon.

Amy’s also been listed as one of the most influential and innovative people in UK digital media by the likes of The Drum, while her career has taken her to Asia and back again, and she is rightly a vocal champion for smashing gender inequality in our industry, and beyond.


Twitter: @Keano81

The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks (Amazon)

Guest's Reading List

Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks

Amy Kean

House of Weeds

Amy Kean

The Chimp Paradox

Dr Steve Peters

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